Mototrbo XPR6550 vs XPR7550
Here are some of the features of the 6550 & 7550 radios. Both are
analog and digital mode, the 7550 comes standard with the LTR trunking
board pre-installed but extra for activation, and in the CPS you can set
a password for some programming on the go such as : edit ch name, zone
name (but NOT a freq entry). An LTR option board can be installed in the
6550 for around $135 extra when purchased new only from Moto, and later
can be used in other 6550's as well. There is a voice channel
announcement feature on the 7550 when working I will show how it works
in another video. As of Oct 2016, I no longer have these radios. Going
to take a break and try a APX-8000 (non DMR) and go back and try a
CS-700 or SL-7550 (much slimmer).
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